日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4):125-131.J-STAGE published date: October 15, 2018
塚越真由美,黒澤彩子,棟方 理,蒔田真一,福原 傑,鈴木達也,丸山 大,小林幸夫,
森 文子,岡村有夏,池田昌子,松浦朋子,稲本賢弘,金 成元,伊豆津宏二,飛内賢正,
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4):132-137.J-STAGE published date: October 15, 2018
A single-center retrospective analysis of extramedullary relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloid neoplasms
Takeshi Ito, Tadakazu Kondo, Kouhei Yamashita, Akifumi Takaori-Kondo
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4):138-144.J-STAGE published date: October 15, 2018
山下知子,梅澤佳央,渡邉 健,福田哲也,川又紀彦,三浦 修,山本正英
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4):145-151.J-STAGE published date: October 15, 2018
Successful allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for aleukemic Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia secondary to chemo-radiotherapy for breast cancer
Yuta Gotoh, Hiroko Tsunemine, Yuriko Zushi, Yumi Aoyama, Taiichi Kodaka, Tomoo Itoh, Takayuki Takahashi
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4):152-156.J-STAGE published date: October 15, 2018
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌7(4) published date: October 15, 2018
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